Solar sails artwork, solar wind, light, spacecraft, Near Earth Asteroid Scout, space, vele solari, vento solare,   artwork, oil painting, dipinto ad olio, quadro di Pasquale Castellano

The Heavenly Breezes

Olio su tela, 24x18 cm, 2021.


Le vele solari potrebbero permetterci di fare il grande passo verso la stella più vicina al sole.

'“Siano date le navi e siano adattate le vele al vento celeste, vi sarà gente che non avrà timore nemmeno di fronte a quell’immensità.”
lettere di Keplero a Galileo Galilei nel 1608.

Solar sails may enable us to take the big step toward the closest stars.

"Let ships be given and sails be adjusted to the celestial wind, there will be people who will not be afraid even in the face of that immensity." 
letters from Kepler to Galileo Galilei in 1608. 

Inside the Artwork

Solar sails are an innovative space concept that uses light particles as a propulsive medium.  
Very interesting for this reason as it does not require carrying fuel on board even for long duration missions. 

In recent years a number of missions are still validating the technology. 

Pictured is an artistic representation created by me on blender that takes its cue from the NASA Near Earth Asteroid Scout


Sensing Jupiter

